Origins: Jim Bridenstine
NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine joins Jake and Anthony for the first episode of Off-Nominal Origins. We talk about how he got interested in space and aviation, his time at Rice University, his years as a Navy pilot, his continuing fascination with the Rocket Racing League, and a whole lot more.
And yes, obviously, we talk about the time Jake and Anthony started a weird little sideshow at IAC 2019 with The Jim Bridenstine Fan Club.
- SpaceX’s DM-2, NASA TV, YouTube
- The Jim Bridenstine Fan Club
- Off-Nominal 24 - Jim-Adjacent
- The Space Review: Rocket racers, shuttles, and Tulsa
- X-29: The Most Aerodynamically Unstable Aircraft Ever Built
- Artemis: Andy Weir, Rosario Dawson,
- The Man Who Ran the Moon: James E. Webb, NASA, and the Secret History of Project Apollo: Bizony, Piers,
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- Main Engine Cut Off
- Main Engine Cut Off (@WeHaveMECO) | Twitter
- Anthony Colangelo (@acolangelo) | Twitter