Episode 92 - We Should Buy a Bar
Jake and Anthony talk about the state of smallsat launch and tell some stories from Anthony’s trip to Virginia to see an Electron launch.
- Off-Nominal - YouTube
- Episode 92 - We Should Buy a Bar - YouTube
- Twitter thread of our trip
- Main Engine Cut Off, Spacey Space: “Pretty great day trip down to Wallops to see the Rocket Lab flight! Electron really has a kick, I was impressed. Beautiful and delicate second stage plume, too. A+++++ would do again.”
- Caleb Henry (@CHenry_QA) / Twitter
- Rocket Lab launches first Electron from Virginia - SpaceNews
- ABL Space Systems blames RS1 launch failure on loss of power - SpaceNews
- Virgin Orbit blames launch failure on upper stage anomaly - SpaceNews
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- Main Engine Cut Off
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- Main Engine Cut Off (@meco@spacey.space) - Spacey Space
- Anthony Colangelo (@acolangelo) | Twitter
- Anthony Colangelo (@acolangelo@jawns.club) - jawns.club 🐘
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