Episode 85 - The Highest I’ve Been
Mat Kaplan, host of Planetary Radio for The Planetary Society, joins Jake and Anthony to talk about the 20th anniversary of the show, his upcoming retirement, and what it’s been like to cover space in this way for all those years.
- Off-Nominal - YouTube
- Episode 85 - The Highest I’ve Been (with Mat Kaplan) - YouTube
- Visibly Loose Nuts - UNISEX | WeMartians Podcast
- Dr. Pete Flavored Soda - SodaStream
- Planetary Radio | The Planetary Society
- Interview with Louis Friedman | The Planetary Society
- Planetary Society on Twitter: “It’s official: LightSail 2 has reentered Earth’s atmosphere and burned up, as expected. What a phenomenal mission this was! We are proud of everything this spacecraft accomplished, and of all the people who made it happen.”
Follow Mat
- Mat_Kaplan (@PlanRad) / Twitter
- Planetary Radio | The Planetary Society
- Planetary Society (@exploreplanets) / Twitter
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- WeMartians Podcast - Follow Humanity's Journey to Mars
- WeMartians Podcast (@We_Martians) | Twitter
- Jake Robins (@JakeOnOrbit) | Twitter
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- Main Engine Cut Off
- Main Engine Cut Off (@WeHaveMECO) | Twitter
- Anthony Colangelo (@acolangelo) | Twitter
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