Episode 62 - Anime Princess Telescope
Pamela Gay, astronomer and podcasters, joins Jake and guest host Anna from But It Is Rocket Science to talk about black holes, making space podcasts, and more.
- Off-Nominal - YouTube
- Episode 62 - Anime Princess Telescope (feat. Anna and Pamela Gay)
- Behold, the Bottomless Pit Holding Everything Together | The Atlantic
- Video of stars orbiting Sag A* | YouTube
- VLTI Animation of stars orbiting Sag A* | YouTube
Follow Pamela
- starstryder (@starstryder) / Twitter
- Pamela’s website | StarStryder.com
- Astronomy Cast | AstronomyCast.com
Follow Anna
Follow Jake
- WeMartians Podcast - Follow Humanity's Journey to Mars
- WeMartians Podcast (@We_Martians) | Twitter
- Jake Robins (@JakeOnOrbit) | Twitter
Off-Nominal Merchandise