Episode 57 - Ford Taurus-Littrow
Caleb Henry of Quilty Analytics joins Jake and Anthony to talk about Amazon’s Kuipermania launch contract, and what it was like to moderate panels at the 2022 Space Symposium.
- Off-Nominal - YouTube
- Episode 57 - Ford Taurus-Littrow (with Caleb Henry) - YouTube
- Amazon signs multibillion-dollar Project Kuiper launch contracts - SpaceNews
- Amazon launch contracts drive changes to launch vehicle production - SpaceNews
- Caleb Henry on Twitter: “We had a great discussion. Definitely the biggest commercial launch deal in world history. Exciting stuff!”
- T+213: Amazon’s Project Kuiper Launch Contract Blockbuster - Main Engine Cut Off
- Wyler claims breakthrough in low-cost antenna for OneWeb, other satellite systems - SpaceNews
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