Episode 46 - Anti-Satellite Own Goal
Jake and Anthony are joined by Jonathan McDowell, an astronomer at the Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian to talk about Russia’s latest endangerment to the ISS—their anti-satellite operationthat resulted in a huge debris field—and about how Jonathan does all the excellent work he does tracking launches, satellites, and where everything in space is going.
- Phelddagrif - Thodes Ale - Untappd
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- Orangina | Sparkling Citrus Drink
- Anthony’s Gin & Tonic: half Drumshanbo Gunpowder Irish Gin, half Schweppes Tonic, and a shitload of lime
- Off-Nominal - YouTube
- Episode 46 - Anti-Satellite Own Goal (with Jonathan McDowell) - YouTube
- Russia destroys satellite in ASAT test - SpaceNews
- 2021 Russian satellite intercept - YouTube
- Official ASAT - Anti Satellite Missile Mission / Mission Shakti Video by DRDO - YouTube
- Jonathan McDowell on Twitter: “Here is the orbit of ISS (blue) compared to that of the Ikar No. 39L satellite (cover name Kosmos-1408) (magenta) and the part of the orbit where the crew have been warned of possible collisions with a debris field (red). This shows Kosmos-1408 is a plausible candidate”
- Jonathan McDowell on Twitter: “The latest Starlink batch (Group 4-1) of 53 sats seems to include one dud - Starlink 3123 (red) is not orbit raising. (Green: deployment rods).”
- Jonathan McDowell on Twitter: “Another space collision of interest was the disintegration on 2020 Jul 12 of object 43673, an inert piece of a Japanese rocket. (Event - green; debris objects cataloged later - red; orbit height of 43673 itself - blue)”
- The edge of space: Revisiting the Karman Line - ScienceDirect
- Orbiting Frog Otolith - Wikipedia
- KSP History Part 66 - Orbiting Frog Otolith - Imgur
- International Cometary Explorer - Wikipedia
- KSP History Part 112 - ISEE-3 - post - Imgur
- Foundation | Apple TV+
- The Planet Factory: Exoplanets and the Search for a Second Earth by Elizabeth Tasker
- Asteroids: How Love, Fear, and Greed Will Determine Our Future in Space by Martin Elvis
- Unmanned Spaceflight.com
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