Episode 38 - Sorry, I Got Too Itemized
With our beloved JB on his way out, Jake and Anthony have been appointed NASA autocrats for five years with $25 billion per year to spend. They have done the homework, mostly, and will now unveil their grand plans.
- Sci-Fi Hamster Wheel - Thin Man Brewery - Untappd
- Polaris Hazy Northeast Ipa - Mariner Brewing - Untappd
- Off-Nominal - YouTube
- Anthony’s Budget (Numbers, Excel)
- Jake’s Budget (Excel)
- Final FY2021 NASA Funding Provides Only 25 Percent of HLS Request – SpacePolicyOnline.com
- NASA's FY 2021 Budget | The Planetary Society
- NASA's Commercial Crew Program is a Fantastic… | The Planetary Society
- Mars 2020 Mission Visualization
- Superstore - NBC.com
- Terraforming Mars | Stronghold Games
- PARKS Board Game – Keymaster Games
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- WeMartians Podcast - Follow Humanity's Journey to Mars
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- Main Engine Cut Off
- Main Engine Cut Off (@WeHaveMECO) | Twitter
- Anthony Colangelo (@acolangelo) | Twitter
Off-Nominal Merchandise