Episode 31 - OG LIGO
Jake and Anthony are joined by John Johnson. John is an expert on exoplanet research at Harvard University, having done work for NASA on Kepler but also as Principal Investigator for the MINERVA project. He also founded the Banneker Institute at Harvard, an organization dedicated to helping people of color enter astronomy and the subject of our current fundraiser.
- John’s Ridiculously-Classy Barrel-Aged Drink
- Cloud Cover - Kane Brewing Company - Untappd
- No. 99 Pale Ale - Wayne Gretzky Craft Brewing - Untappd
- Off-Nominal - YouTube
- Episode 31 - OG LIGO (with John Johnson) - YouTube
- Banneker Institute
- Why the Universe Needs More Black and Latino Astronomers | Science | Smithsonian Magazine
- Harvard Astronomer, Institute Offer Support for Students of Color in Sciences | News | The Harvard Crimson
- Benjamin Banneker - Wikipedia
- Artist's conception of Kepler-42 - Kepler-42 - Wikipedia
- MINERVA - A dedicated exoplanet observatory
Follow John
- John Asher Johnson (@astrojohnjohn) / Twitter
- John Asher Johnson | Department of Astronomy
- Banneker Institute
Follow Jake
- WeMartians Podcast - Follow Humanity's Journey to Mars
- WeMartians Podcast (@We_Martians) | Twitter
- Jake Robins (@JakeOnOrbit) | Twitter
Follow Anthony
- Main Engine Cut Off
- Main Engine Cut Off (@WeHaveMECO) | Twitter
- Anthony Colangelo (@acolangelo) | Twitter
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