Episode 07 - FLying Around Mars Imaging aNd Geography Observatory
Tanya Harrison joins Jake and Anthony to discuss the James Webb Space Telescope delays, planetary missions and their ability to stay under budget and on time, and the benefits and drawbacks of decadal surveys.
- Dortmunder Gold - Great Lakes Brewing Company - Untappd
- Commodore Perry IPA - Great Lakes Brewing Company - Untappd
- Oumuamua - Driftwood Brewery - Untappd
- SSB: Space Studies Board
- NASA delays JWST launch to 2020 - SpaceNews.com
- Tanya Harrison on Twitter: “In reference to discussions yesterday about whether the next astronomy & astrophysics decadal survey should be delayed to see what happens with JWST”
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- KH-11 Kennen - Wikipedia
- File:KH-11-best-SHIPYARD.jpg - Wikimedia Commons
- Planet Earth: Blue Planet II | BBC America
- Malin Space Science Systems Captioned Image Release, MSSS-524
- Satellite images from highly oblique angles are pretty mindblowing | Ars Technica
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