Episode 02 - Interstellar Rock (and Roll)
Anthony and Jake dive into Gravitational Wave astronomy, salute a passing interstellar traveler, and pour one out for a lost rock legend.
- 100th Meridian Organic Amber Lager - Mill Street Brewery - Untappd
- HopDevil IPA - Victory Brewing Company - Untappd
- Facts | LIGO Lab | Caltech
- A fourth gravitational wave has been detected - The Verge
- Astronomers detect gravitational waves from two neutron stars colliding - The Verge
- Jets and Debris from a Neutron Star Collision - YouTube
- First LIGO/Virgo detection of a binary neutron star merger (GW170817) - YouTube
- Small Asteroid or Comet 'Visits' from Beyond the Solar System | University of Hawaii Institute for Astronomy
- Small Asteroid or Comet ‘Visits’ from Beyond the Solar System | NASA
- “What if it were a red dwarf instead?” By Tony Dunn
- Mastcam-Z Blog
- Taming Liquid Hydrogen by Virginia P. Dawson & Mark D. Bowles | Free PDF from NASA History
- Taming Liquid Hydrogen by Virginia P. Dawson & Mark D. Bowles | iBooks
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- WeMartians Podcast - Follow Humanity's Journey to Mars
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- Jake Robins (@JakeOnOrbit) | Twitter
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